Careers in Care - Mark's Story

About Social Care

Meet our inspiring colleague Mark

Mark is a bilateral amputee as a result of type 1 diabetes who now works as a carer after years of unemployment. Mark was let go from his job in retail 20 years ago when he was no longer able to work due to complications of diabetes. He developed infections and ulcers in his feet and legs, which over the course of many years of treatment eventually led to below-the-knee amputations in both legs.

Years spent not working left Mark lacking in confidence and he felt that employers would not see past his health issues and disability. The longer it went on, the harder it was to imagine how he would get back to work.

That all changed for Mark when Maximus - one of Cera Care’s employability partners - handed him a leaflet in a shopping centre. Accessing their specialist employment support that helps people get back to work led to Mark being matched with a job coach, who quickly spotted his potential.

His job coach learned that despite his own health issues Mark had taken on caring responsibilities for his family, looking after his mother-in-law and his father-in-law, who has Alzheimer's and vascular dementia.

“Pulling on my uniform for the first time was amazing.”

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Within weeks Mark had applied for and was offered a job as a care support worker at Cera, delivering personal care for elderly or vulnerable people. As a carer he helps by feeding clients, helping them with their medication, keeping them clean and comfortable, and helping them around their home.

Find out more about what carers do

I can't thank Cera enough…because they were willing to give me a chance. Some people, they see a disability and they won't take a chance but Cera saw past that. I thank them wholeheartedly for that and I'm loving every minute of it.

Cera is a committed Disability Confident employer. More than a quarter of new recruits to Cera were previously unemployed, and more than 5% live with a disability.

People who have been out of work can find a fulfilling career in care - including those who may have additional barriers such as a disability. Not only is Mark financially better off, he finds the role very rewarding.

Read more about Mark’s story in the Metro and Telegraph

Find out more about caring for someone with diabetes in our blog Supporting Service Users with Diabetes

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